9 th day

Today is the second final of the EU championship!
Everyone is watching TV and I am almost falling a sleep at living room in albergue.
We looked around the town to find reasonable albergue and found the last bed of the private albergue!
He owner is so glumly, I was told off twice about my laundry! Almost kicked out from there haha.
There were still some empty beds for the people who made a reservation. Then, here they came! Chez and Spanish gentle men! We met and stayed same town, same albergue for 4 nights without telling each other where we stay. Isn’t it amazing?
It was such a happy surprise when they showed up in the room!
But it would be the last day since these gentlemen will travel 5 more days to Santiago. We had a dinner and shot together and promised to see each other in Shimoku 88pilgrim walk!

It was a good walking day, finally rain stopped and the view was quite fluctuating. We passed the river, cannel, mountain and of course the wheat field continuing forever…
After we met in albergue, Calros showed me around the church with his guide. I could see and learn more about the history of the church and the architecture.
It is very nice to meet the other pilgrims again on the way or at albergue to admire each other’s effort and talk about the path of the day and the plan for tomorrow.
I started feeling that even when I walk alone, I am not walking alone with nature surround me, other pilgrims and the people care about me.

ずっと一緒に歩きたいわ !

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フリーランス料理人林直子です。NZへの留学経験から、和食や寿司が世界中の人を喜ばせることを体験し、料理人を志す。 広島、金沢の日本料理、寿司割烹のお店で修行。 全国各地、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、ギリシャで就業経験を経て、フリーランスの料理人になる。 各地の食材を生かした料理を作りながら、ケータリング、合宿料理、野外イベントなどで料理を振る舞う。レシピ開発や、SNS運用も承ります。 趣味は、キャンプ、登山、ウクレレ、各地の混浴露天風呂温泉めぐり。

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    フリーランス料理人林直子です。NZへの留学経験から、和食や寿司が世界中の人を喜ばせることを体験し、料理人を志す。 広島、金沢の日本料理、寿司割烹のお店で修行。 全国各地、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、ギリシャで就業経験を経て、フリーランスの料理人になる。 各地の食材を生かした料理を作りながら、ケータリング、合宿料理、野外イベントなどで料理を振る舞う。レシピ開発や、SNS運用も承ります。 趣味は、キャンプ、登山、ウクレレ、各地の混浴露天風呂温泉めぐり。